Academy of Financial Monitoring has launched the digital-platform

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated March 16, 2020 No. 406 "On organizational measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus" in the State Institution of Postgraduate Education "Academy of Financial Monitoring", the digital-platform has been launched for the purpose of execution educational programs and financial monitoring trainings. This platform allows to organize the educational process using technologies of distance learning.

Specialists of the SFMS and the Academy of Financial Monitoring updated the topics taking into account the new AML/CFT legislation.

The first training was conducted for reporting entities - representatives of securities market at the beginning of May. Training has been conducted by specialists from the SFMS, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market. On May 15, representatives of reporting entities have successfully passed the certified exam.

Updated schedule of future training courses is published on official website of the Academy of Financial Monitoring.

For this purpose, to all financial monitoring entities it’s recommended to use opportunities of distance learning technologies and actively join to digital-platform of the Academy of Financial Monitoring.

More detailed information about training on the basis of digital-platform is available on the website or by phones (050) 605-57-71, (044) 594-16-24, (044) 594-16-22.
