2021-10-08 13:00:00
The State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine has taken part in the official presentation of the Manual on Certain Aspects of Financial Investigations (Analysis of Financial Relations), prepared by the SFMS in cooperation with other stakeholders in this area under the projects “Strengthening measures to counter money laundering and financing of terrorism in Ukraine” (PGG) and “EU Action against Drugs and Organised Crime (EU-ACT): Enhanced Cooperation and Capacity Building to address Drug-related Organised Crime along the Heroin Route”.
This Manual is focused on generating the concept of financial investigation and developing approaches to its implementation for government officials whose activities are related to combating crimes, including those containing an economic component or relating to asset recovery and corruption.
The Manual is practically oriented and includes:
Sample requests from law enforcement agencies to the SFMS and APMA regarding international legal assistance;
information that can be obtained from certain state authorities;
investigative situations and basic criminal procedure documents on financial investigations;
case-law of the European Court of Human Rights in money laundering matters; etc.
The Manual is primarily designed for the representatives of prosecutor’s and pre-trial authorities but it will also be useful for the employees of reporting entities and state financial monitoring entities, law enforcement and judicial authorities in their work.
In addition, the issuance of this manual is aimed at demonstrating the progress of Ukraine following the results of the MONEYVAL’s 5th round mutual evaluation on the Immediate Outcome 7 (Investigation and prosecution of money laundering).
The Manual can be downloaded at the link.