2021-06-25 12:15:00
With the assistance and consent of the Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Ant-Money Laundering Measures and the Financial of Terrorism (MONEYVAL) during June 22 – 25, the SFMS’s representatives are participating in virtual FATF Plenary meetings.
The Plenary is considering a number of issues related to the global AML/CFT measures taken by FATF and its member-states, namely:
- handling of mutual evaluations during the COVID-19 crisis;
- opportunities and challenges of new technologies for AML/CFT;
- digital transformation of AML/CFT;
- operational challenges associated with asset recovery;
- beneficial ownership: revision of Recommendation FATF 25;
- clarification of R.18/R.23 on DNFBP Groups;
- virtual assets and virtual assets service providers;
- financing of ethnically or racially motivated terrorism;
- mutual assessment of South Africa and Japan;
- updates on FATF global network risks, trends and working methods, etc.
Participation in the events under the auspices of FATF is important in terms of understanding of global policies, trends and tendencies in the anti-legalization area and the issues of fight against financing of terrorism and financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.