2018-01-23 21:13:00
The Academy of Financial Monitoring provides training for the employees responsible for financial monitoring of business entities providing intermediary services while conducting transactions on buying-selling real estate (realtors), insurance, pawnshops, credit unions, financial companies, credit institutions, administrators of private pension funds.
Training will be conducted under the condition of complete groups in Kyiv, Lviv and Kharkiv.
Please send a request to participate via e-mail:
Kiev: training@finmonitoring.in.ua
Lviv: lvivdnzpo@gmail.com
Kharkov: nmc_kharkov@ukr.net
or via fax (044) 594-16-21
The Academy of Financial Monitoring also provides training for professional securities market participants.
Please send a request to participate via e-mail:
Kiev: training@finmonitoring.in.ua
Lviv: lvivdnzpo@gmail.com
Kharkov: nmc_kharkov@ukr.net
or via fax (044) 594-16-21
For admission to the training, students submit the following documents:
1) passport (identity card) + copy of main pages of the passport
2) copy of the document on higher education
3) two printed copies of each Contract and 2 copies of the Acceptance Certificate signed and stamped
4) a copy of payment order
Kiev: (044) 594-16-24, (044) 594-16-22
Lviv: (0322) 35-48-83
Kharkov: (057) 705-20-16