2017-03-01 13:57:17

The official web-site of the State Financial Monitoring of Ukraine entered the top-five sites of information transparency

The State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine pays great attention to systematic information policy, including cooperation with the private sector and the public through its official web-site.
Official web-site of the SFMS has a lot of useful services both for reporting entities and entities of state financial monitoring as well as useful links and information for the public.
News, statistics concerning the SFMS activities, frequently answered questions of reporting entities with answers, lists of terrorists, reviews of the regulatory framework and draft acts on prevention and counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime, terrorist financing and financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction are permanently placed on the official web-site of the SFMS.
Official web-site of SFMS generally meets the requirements of convenience and searching of information.
Igor Cherkaskyi, the Head of the SFMS mentioned: "Information transparency of public authorities is the key to effective implementation of public policy, the public opportunities to control the activities of government institutions".
Confirmation of the effectiveness of the official SFMS web-site, compliance with the technological requirements of operation, content and openness take an important place in the top-five ranking, which was permanently set by Regional Press Development Institute.
This rank foresees the evaluation of state authorities’ web-sites concerning content, relevance and convenience of usage on 221 parameters. Parameters of monitoring studies accumulate all kinds of information which shall be placed on the web-sites of public authorities with regard to their powers.
Press Service of the SFMS