2017-05-29 12:08:46

The workshop for banking institutions on financial monitoring took place

Representatives of the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine participated in the workshop for banking institutions on “Current issues of interaction between banks and law enforcement agencies in terms of ensuring compliance with anti-corruption legislation on financial monitoring”,  which took place at the National Bank of Ukraine on May 23-24 2017.
Leading experts of the National Bank of Ukraine, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine and bank employees participated in the workshop.
During the event the SFMS’s representative provided information concerning the characteristics of financial investigation of cases related to corruption.
In addition, during the workshop there were considered issues on detecting corruption risks in public administration, peculiarities of identifying signs of illicit enrichment by public servants, interaction between banks and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, legal regulation of the disclosure by banks of information containing bank secrecy to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, international standards, analysis of detecting financial transactions.
Press Service of the