Typologies of the SFMS

Typological Study «Current Techniques, Practices, And Instruments Of Money Laundering And Terrorism (Separatism) Financing» (2021)

(pdf, 39 629kB)

Typological Study «Money Laundering of Tax Crimes» (2020)

(pdf, 28515.4 kB)

Typological Study Laundering Of Proceeds Of Misappropriation Of Funds And Property Of State-Owned Enterprises And Other Entities Funded From State And Local Budgets(2019)

(pdf, 7369.3 kB)
Review on the use of non-profit organizations for illegal purposes (pdf, 1534 kB)
Typological study «Risks of using opaque ownership structures in money laundering» (pdf, 17733.1 kB)
Compilation of Typological Studies conducted in 2017 (pdf, 3938 kB)

Guidelines to identify public figures and provide financial monitoring of their financial transactions

(pdf, 1303.8 kB)
Typological study «Risks of terrorism and separatism» (pdf, 1018.3 kB)
Typological study «Risks of cash use» (pdf, 720.3 kB)
Typological studies for 2016, 2015, 2014 (pdf, 5449.5 kB)
Typological study «Money laundering from corruption» (pdf, 3561.5 kB)
Current instruments, methods and mechanisms of illegal funds allocation and laundering (pdf, 2142.1 kB)
Current techniques, methods and financial instruments of terrorism and separatism financing (pdf, 639.6 kB)
ML typologies through real estate sector (pdf, 464.6 kB)
Typologies of legalization (laundering) of crime proceeds in 2005 - 2006 (pdf, 351.1 kB)
Typologies report on legalization (laundering) of the proceeds from execution of financial transactions involving unmarketable securities (pdf, 149.2 kB)
Money laundering typologies in Ukraine in 2004-2005 (pdf, 371.1 kB)
Money laundering typologies and their detection mechanisms (pdf, 419.6 kB)