Annual Forum “Financial Monitoring – 2024” took place
During 18-20 December 2024 the Annual Forum “Financial Monitoring – 2024” was held, organized by the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine together with the Academy of Financial Monitoring with the support of the Project “Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector” (Pro-Integrity), the Project “Enhancing anti-money laundering, counter terrorist financing and asset recovery regime in Ukraine” of the Council of Europe, the OSCE Support Programme for Ukraine, and the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI).
The Forum was opened by the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Mr Serhii Marchenko and the MP of Ukraine Ms Olha Vasylevska-Smahliuk.
Among the speakers of the High-level discussion on current ML/FT/PF risks and threats Panel were distinguished guests, including the President of the Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism - MONEYVAL Mr. Nicola Muccioli, the Chair of the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units Ms Elżbieta Franków-Jaśkiewicz, and the President of the Conference of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on laundering, search, seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime and on the financing of terrorism (COP CETS 198) Ms Oxana GÎSCĂ.
The Forum, which was held in a hybrid format, was attended by more than 700 specialists, including international and national experts of the AML/CFT/CPF area, as well as representatives of professional organizations of reporting entities and higher educational institutions.
Presentations were made by the representatives of the European Commission, the USA, Germany, France, Latvia, Canada, the Netherlands, experts of the Council of Europe, Project “Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector” (Pro-Integrity), EU AML /CFT Global Facility, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), as well as representatives of the State Financial Monitoring Service, the Ministry of Finance, the National Bank, the Ministry of Justice, the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Supreme Court, the High Anti-Corruption Court, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, the Economic Security Bureau e, the State Bureau of Investigation, the National Police of Ukraine, CEDEM, private and public sector of Ukraine.
Educational and scientific institutions included representatives of the Academy of Financial Monitoring, the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, the State Tax University, the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine, the National Academy of Internal Affairs, the National School of Judges of Ukraine, the West Ukrainian National University, the Yevhenii Berezniak Military Academy, the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, the Institute of the State Protection Department of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and other educational institutions participated.
During the Forum, 6 thematic panels and 3 round tables were organized, where a wide range of current issues dedicated to the specifics of national and international policy in the AML/CFT/CPF field were discussed, in particular:
new approaches to assessing jurisdictions, within the framework of MONEYVAL’s 6th round of evaluation, the experience of countries in preparing for such assessments;
innovations in international policy in the field of AML/CFT/CPF;
experience of foreign jurisdictions in managing risks and threats in the field of AML/CTF/CPF in the context of modern challenges.
Moreover, the priorities for the development of the AML/CFT/CPF system under martial law, in particular in the context of AML/CFT/CPF risks and threats at the national level, including within the framework of the upcoming fourth National Risk Assessment were discussed in detail.
As part of these discussions, the updated NRA Methodology, innovations in the collection and analysis of administrative reporting in the field of AML/CFT/CPF, and experiencve and challenges in conducting sectoral risk assessments were presented.
The Forum also covered in detail the practice and prospects of cooperation between the public and private sectors in the field of AML/CFT/CPF and the development of public-private partnerships in this area, the digitalization of financial monitoring processes and the improvement of training processes.
The Head of the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine, Mr Igor Cherkaskyi emphasized that: “This Forum has become another important example of the need to combine the efforts of the international community for the effective coordination of measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. I am confident that this event will provide new impetus for advanced ideas in the field of financial monitoring, which is a necessary prerequisite for effective risk management in our field, especially in the context of the war against Ukraine launched by a terrorist country”.