The extension of the sanction regime of the UN Security Council regarding to DPRK

On September 11, 2017, in response to DPRK’s sixth nuclear test (September 3 this year), the UN Security Council unanimously approved the Resolution 2375 (2017) (
The Resolution reinforced the already existing sanctions regime against DPRK.
Among the key innovations of Resolution 2375 (2017), the following should be singled out:
- a complete ban on the transfer from/to DPRK of condensates and gas condensate liquids;
- ban on the transfer, supply, sale of textile to DPRK;
- restrictions on the employment of North Korean workers abroad have been exacerbated;
- the permission for inspection of suspicious vessels on the high seas has been granted;
-  the decision on expansion checklists of goods and technologies has been approved;
- freezing of assets of a number of units of the DPRK"s Labor Party and the North Korean Department of propaganda and agitation.
In addition, the document confirms the readiness of the UN Security Council to take additional "substantial" measures in the event of the subsequent DPRK’s nuclear or missile tests.
The SFMS informs reporting entities, state and executive authorities local self-government authorities and DNFBPs, other individual and legal entities on the stated above for the purpose of immediate freezing of funds or other assets without prior notice of persons determined by Resolution 2375; a ban on the provision of any funds or other assets in favor of such persons, unless otherwise is provided by the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions; implementation of other measures provided for by this Resolution.